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Machine Process

Equipped with advanced thermoforming machinery, Thermotool excels in both thin-gauge and heavy-gauge thermoforming tooling. Whether it's creating intricate cosmetic packaging or large industrial components, our production capabilities ensure consistent quality, high precision, and efficient turnaround times.

Machine Process: Service

CAM Machining

Using CAM software directly linked to our design software gives us a leading edge in creating quality tooling. With a mixture of experience and innovation, we program our CNC machines to create a huge variety of products for all industries.

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Manual Machining

Our team of highly skilled professionals produce a great deal of work using CNC and manual machines, to a high standard with quick lead times. Using a mixture of experience and detailed technical drawings they create a product to be proud of.

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Once products are machined it is important to focus on refining and perfecting the thermoformed tooling to meet the specific requirements and quality standards. 


Quality Control

At Thermotool we ensure that the manufactured products meet the desired specifications, functionality, and overall quality standards. Through our diligent efforts, we maintain high-quality standards and drive long-term success in the thermoforming industry.

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